Send WhatsApp Messages

Enter phone number with country code. Eg: 44 for the UK.

WhatsApp link generator - Send WhatsApp messages to any number without saving it.

Print Your Copy is a free tool that helps you send WhatsApp messages to any phone number without having to save it first.

How to send a WhatsApp message without saving the number?

  • Enter the phone number including country code in the text field.
  • Type out your message.
  • Click the send button.

WhatsApp link to send messages

WhatsApp provides a link to send messages without having to save the number in your phone.

Universal Links to WhatsApp Messages

You can send WhatsApp messages to any number by creating a universal link in the following format:**number**

Do not add any special symbols such as plus +, brackets ().

Universal Links to WhatsApp Messages With Text

The link can be further expanded to include a pre-filled text message using the following format.**number**/?text=**text-message**